Hello all, and thank you for taking the time to visit my page.

In the wonderful world of writing, I’m better known by my pen name, Mickey Martin. But many know me by my married name, Michelle Weitering. I am a very passionate author and equally, celebrator of life. I live in Frankston, Victoria when I’m not living in my alternate world, the wonderful world of books where I like to escape to and create my characters. I can write, and have written, anywhere and currently, am a very lucky girl who now has the chance to create beautiful stories, in my all inspiring Writers Manor, that my darling husband built me, using lots of recycled goodness. 


I’m a proud member of the Romance Writers Association of Australia, the Australian Society of Authors, Writers Victoria, and the Peninsula Writers’ Club, and have been blessed with many opportunities because of my writing, which has taken me nationally in Australia and internationally to Ireland, thanks to my sensational publisher and the team at MMH PRESS, who have supported me through my entire authorship journey.


As a mental health advocate, I am passionate about raising awareness on topics such as anxiety, depression, addiction, P.T.S.D, domestic violence and sexual abuse. Through my books I address these important issues and I incorporate messages of hope and healing through the power of story. 


A couple of my favorite and most inspirational quotes that I love are:


‘Forgive yourself  for not knowing what you didn’t know until you lived through it. Honor your path. Trust your journey. Learn, grow, evolve, become.’   


‘Expect nothing appreciate everything.’  


I live one day at a time, and embrace the good and the bad. They say everything happens for a reason and lets face it, we learn more about ourselves and those around us, when things get rocky in life. 

 It’s so important that we all be as kind as possible to each other, especially in a world that can be so unjust and cruel. For me personally, I thrive in doing all I can to make someone else’s day shine that little bit brighter whenever I get the chance, which is why I have embarked on another passion of mine, working with diverse people with mental illness. And to help me do that to my very best ability, I have dived back into the world of education and am currently studying Cert IV Mental Health. I’m looking forward to seeing where that takes me personally and in my writing moving forward.


I have so many exciting projects coming up in the next few months tackling some heartfelt issues around Mother Earth, mental health, and other gripping topics. I look forward to sharing them with you.


Warmly, with love in my heart to you, 


Mickey xx


Pictures below of Mickey’s Manor – A dream of mine come true. Success to me is happiness in all we do in life. Being surrounded by loved ones and having the opportunity to do what we are most passionate about.

For me that has always been the simple things in life. Gardening, Family and Friends, reading and writing. Always writing. xx)